Missoula Therapists

Three office locations in Missoula

307 North 2nd Street West
Missoula, MT 59802

700 SW Higgins Avenue, Suite #107
Missoula, MT 59803

1724 Fairview Avenue, Suite A
Missoula, MT 59801

Find a counselor in Missoula

Welcome to Sunflower Counseling! Our team of skilled and compassionate therapists and counselors are dedicated to providing personalized support and guidance to help you navigate life’s challenges.

Whether you’re dealing with mental health issues, relationship problems, or simply seeking personal growth, our Missoula therapists and Missoula counselors offer a range of services to meet your needs. We specialize in a variety of areas, including anxiety, depression, trauma recovery, addiction, and more.

Contact Us

Missoula Marriage Counseling

For couples seeking support, our Missoula Marriage Counseling services provide a safe and supportive environment to address relationship issues and work toward greater harmony and understanding. We offer evidence-based approaches to couples counseling Missoula, tailored to your unique needs and goals.

Sunflower Counseling has helped thousands of families and people in Montana to heal together as a community.

University of Montana

Missoula the Town

Today, Missoula is known for its beautiful downtown area, its close-knit community, and its unique culture. Families have been living in Missoula for generations, and many of them have deep roots in the city’s history.

The magic of working with a local Missoula counselor means a lot because our counselors are deeply invested in the health and wellbeing of our community, and bring a level of personal commitment and dedication that is hard to match.

What is therapy?

Let’s talk about therapy. It’s all about processing – taking the time to slow down and really understand what’s going on in your life. It’s about figuring out how to handle the constant stresses that come at us every single day.

We all know that life can be tough.

We’re constantly juggling different roles – we’re parents, we’re part of the workforce, we’re friends, we’re partners. And sometimes, what seems like a simple problem can turn out to be incredibly complicated.

That’s where a Missoula therapist comes in.

They can help guide you down the path towards a better understanding of yourself and your relationships. It’s like learning martial arts from a Kung Fu Master – you’re becoming the master of your own life, taking control of your story and becoming the hero of your own unique journey.

So don’t be afraid to seek help and start processing. You deserve to live your best life, and with the guidance of a therapist, you can get there. Remember, you are the hero of your own story, and it’s time to step into that role and take charge of your life!

Missoula counselors are both online and in-person.

Our Missoula team is a diverse group of clinicians who have varying areas of expertise and specialization. Many of our Missoula clinicians see clients in the office setting during regular office hours, and some are available for extended hours to help clients meet their needs and accommodate their schedules.

Find our offices in three Missoula locations

307 North 2nd Street West
Missoula, MT 59802

1724 Fairview Avenue, Suite A
Missoula, MT 59801

700 SW Higgins Avenue, Suite #107
Missoula, MT 59803

Call Now: (406) 214-3810