Grief Counseling
We know how life-changing and monumental the process of grief can look for each individual and family. That’s why grief counseling is is essential. Whether you have experienced a loss due to death, job loss, or significant change in your current life – make no mistake about it – the impact can be a real struggle. This is because loss is often traumatic. Trauma is not only mental and emotional – it is physical and manifests in the body. This manifestation can cause severe distress, anxiety, and depression. It may be hard to get out of bed. Just to make it through the day is an extreme problem. Add to this the fact that society tries to avoid acknowledging grief and loss. It’s a wonder we are still sane at all. But know that you’re not alone. And you made the courageous decision to explore counseling.

Grief Support
Some days are easier to cope with than others. This is because grief is unpredictable. Although you already went through the initial shock, and the loss already happened, it can feel like just yesterday. Thus, it can feel impossible to go through this journey and process it alone. Especially, without support and tools to cope. Grief counseling gives you these tools. While everyone works through grief differently, therapeutic approaches have been shown to dramatically improve a person’s ability to feel better. You may have a million thoughts going through your mind. Accepting and coping are especially hard. It can feel overwhelming. Like the world should stop. It’s that extreme.
Suffering at any age is not easy. At Sunflower Counseling our therapists have worked extensively through all-consuming grief – this is what they do. They help people see positive new life outcomes and to find meaning in the darkness. These are people who have recently experienced grief or loss or those who have been waiting for years to reach out – and it is a very big deal to have the courage to ask the big questions. “Why did this happen?” and “Okay. So now what do I do with the rest of my life?” “Do I wither up now that everything has changed? How will I continue to live on?” We want you to know there are choices.
It helps to be guided by a caring professional counselor who is experienced in working through these almost impossible situations. But it can be done, and our counselors do it every day with people from all walks of life.

Grief Counseling
Grief work is about living on. For you and whom you have lost. That relationship that you had – they are not gone. Those memories are still inside of you. And it’s important to recognize and remember this. And to never forget the beautiful parts of them that made them shine when they were at their best. How would YOU like to be remembered? Those who have left us are just like us in so many ways. But, while you now live on in your world, there is now a feeling of emptiness.
To say the least. But would this person want you to feel empty all the time? What would they want from you? Would they want you to suffer? Grief counseling helps you ask and remember what is important to focus on. You can touch the people around you with what you have learned from this experience. And also remember there is no one way to grieve. Other people have gone through what you’re going through. And they are going through it right now. And others have made it through. But it is hard. We are complex beings. But it helps to know you’re not alone. And those others who have survived.
We know how confusing and frustrating it can be to finally make the decision to reach out for help and not know where to start. You are simply trying to get through the day and not take away extra energy trying to figure out where to go for help or what to do. Our counselors are highly experienced in working through grief – and our grief counselors are here for you.
Quality Online Grief Counseling Services
People who grieve over the loss of relationships often learn about their own lives in the process. We often hear about what is truly important to them. And they say that life is not about social status, or money, or what they have accomplished in the end. Instead, it’s about their simple relationship with that person. It’s about what happened that one day. And how they lived their lives together. There’s something to be said for the “normal” day with that person.
We have found from our counselors and clients that online grief counseling services have been effective and life-changing and lifesaving. People have shared that they have been surprised at how effective the quality of grief counseling and even online grief counseling has been for them.

Why Work With Us?
Our counselors bring much honesty and experience into the processing of grief. They know that loss comes from all walks of life. They also have a profound passion for helping people work through these devastating challenges to finally see relief and peace. Our grief counseling offers quality and care from the first time you make the call or send a text to get started when you meet with your counselor.

Get Started Today
There is no perfect time to start meeting with a counselor and get help. You may be thinking “this isn’t that bad” or “a lot of people have experienced this.” We don’t buy into the “toughen up” mindset which doesn’t acknowledge the pain and anguish you may be experiencing. Society is often like that sometimes. But now, you don’t have to hold this pain alone.
Our grief counselors are here to offer a hand and walk you through the entire process. We know this isn’t at all easy. It is extremely difficult and sometimes painful to reach out for help. Please be rest assured that you are in a safe, caring place with people who are honored to work with you and to help you process your grief. You are a sacred being and you are worth making this change – and finding peace.