Sean’s Story

When Sean was little, everyone always noticed his boundless energy and insatiable curiosity. While most kids his age would sit and color or watch a movie, Sean would be climbing, jumping, and exploring every nook and cranny of the house. He was the boy who fidgeted constantly and seemed to be perpetually in motion, like a hummingbird darting from flower to flower.

Free Fidget Spinner Fidget photo and picture


In school, Sean’s teachers commented on how easily he was distracted. Often, he wouldn’t listen to directions or would need numerous reminders to complete tasks. He would rush through his assignments, leading to careless mistakes, or seem disengaged and daydream during lessons. But there was no doubt about his intelligence and spark; it was just that traditional learning seemed to be a challenge.

Outside school, Sean often struggled with impulsive behaviors. He’d frequently interrupt conversations, act without thinking, and sometimes lose his temper unexpectedly. Playdates were a mixed bag. While he was loved for his vivacious spirit, his inability to wait or share made him a challenging playmate at times.

His parents, initially thinking it was just typical childhood behavior, gradually started to feel overwhelmed. They felt embarrassed at times, wondering if it was their parenting at fault. Then, after a visit to a specialist, everything became clearer: Sean had ADHD.

Tips for Parenting a Child with ADHD

Free Child Puddle photo and picture

Meanwhile, another day at the park had come. And Sean was running in circles. Literally running in circles.

“Ah, the tireless spirit of Sean!” one parent remarked with a light chuckle, watching the boy in action. The observation paved the way for the mother to share the journey of parenting Sean, who has ADHD.

“Physical activity,” she began, “is Sean’s escape. We encourage him to get out and play, to burn off that excess energy. It’s incredible how a simple game of catch can help him sit down later to focus on his homework.” The benefits weren’t just about energy; it also worked wonders for his mood, alleviating symptoms of anxiety that sometimes accompanied his ADHD.

She then spoke of the importance of reducing screen time. “We noticed a spike in Sean’s inattentiveness after he spent long hours on his tablet. Now, instead of screens, we engage him in board games or Lego building sessions. These activities seem to soothe his mind.”

Routines and Praise

Bedtime routines became sacred in their household. Sean, like many with ADHD, faced sleep disturbances. “Ensuring he gets a full night’s rest has drastically reduced his daytime inattentiveness. A structured bedtime routine, combined with set mealtime habits, has added an essential structure to his life. And guess what? We found he even enjoys video games, which, when played in moderation, enhance his attention and memory.”

Consistent praise has been pivotal. She recalled an afternoon when Sean managed to sit still for an entire family meal. “I remember telling him, ‘I appreciate how calmly you sat today, Sean. It made our meal together very pleasant.’ Such labeled praises have helped him focus on the positives and understand what’s appreciated.”

The mother stressed the importance of establishing simple routines, as well. “From arranging his books before bedtime to setting the table, these small tasks have given him a sense of responsibility and accomplishment.”

Meet Up with Other Parents, Teachers, and Counselors/Therapists for Support

One day, Sean faced a challenge. He had spent too long playing video games and neglected his studies. Instead of being upset, his mother calmly restricted his gaming time until he completed his homework. “Such gentle yet firm consequences help him understand the importance of time management without feeling unduly punished.”

Keeping up with Sean’s school performance was also vital. Regular meetings with his teachers and the implementation of an IEP (Individualized Educational Plan) ensured he never felt left behind. “Remember, our children might be facing battles we aren’t aware of in school settings,” she mentioned.

Another parent interjected, asking about managing personal stress while dealing with the demands of ADHD. With a thoughtful look, she replied, “I agree! It’s essential to handle our own stresses efficiently. Children learn from our actions. When I find myself getting overwhelmed, I step back, breathe, and sometimes even seek therapy. It’s about showing Sean that it’s okay to ask for help.”

She also emphasized things to avoid. “Not to go overboard, but consistent discipline is key. ADHD doesn’t mean you let behaviors spiral out of control or forget that our children are still children. Early intervention and professional help can make a world of difference.”

When asked about potential treatments, she shared that while they considered medication, behavioral parent training (BPT) and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) with their therapist had been beneficial. “The journey with ADHD is unique for every child and family. It’s about finding what works for you.”

It wasn’t surprising to hear so many parents chiming in! With the advent of “screen-time” it just felt like all those hours of CocoMelon had added up when Sean was a kid, she thought. Oh no, I fried his brain on Cocomelon. She then laughed at the thought because c’mon – a little Coco? I remember watching 8 hours a day of Sesame Street.

As the afternoon sun set, casting a golden hue over the park, the conversation drew to a close. With a smile, she concluded, “Parenting Sean has been a journey of resilience and love. Remember, every child, ADHD or not, brings joy and challenges. But as long as we’re doing our best and loving them unconditionally, we’re on the right track.”

And with that, she turned her attention back to Sean, who was now inviting her to join a game of catch. “Here I come!” she said.

John Michaelsa Missoula native and author, has been captivating readers with his writing for years. A graduate of Brown University’s esteemed creative writing program, Michaels has spent the majority of his career crafting stories that resonate with his readers and capture the essence of the human experience. Despite the demands of raising children, Michaels has continued to pursue his passions, finding solace in the bustling downtown Missoula scene. There, he spends his free time honing his craft, whether it be working on short stories, playing music, or dedicating himself to his work at Sunflower Counseling, MT.