“Triggers,” as they’re aptly called, are those little alarm bells that ring in our minds when something seems off. They make our hearts race, our palms sweat, and often cause us to either retreat in fear or react in anger. They’re like those sneaky little gremlins, hiding behind our everyday experiences, causing a stir within us that often goes unnoticed.


Examples of Triggers

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Sudden Loud Noises: For some, loud and unexpected sounds such as a car backfiring, fireworks, or a door slamming can be triggering. These noises may remind them of traumatic events like an accident, explosion, or abusive episode.

Certain Smells: Specific scents can also trigger trauma. For example, the smell of alcohol could remind someone of a parent who was abusive when drinking.

Specific Locations or Environments: Visiting certain locations or environments can serve as triggers. This could be a particular neighborhood, a type of building, or even a specific room that reminds a person of where a traumatic event took place.

Regardless of whether we see them or not, their effects are real and have a strong impact on our overall sense of happiness and contentment.

On the flip side, we have what I like to call “glimmers,” the gentle rays of sunshine that brighten our day. Glimmers are the opposite of triggers. Glimmers help us relax, be present in the moment, and connect on a deeper level with ourselves and those around us.

Examples of Glimmers

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Sudden Loud Noises: Instead of viewing unexpected loud sounds as distressing, let’s recognize their potential to bring back moments of sheer delight. The startling pop of fireworks might transport you back to a magical New Year’s Eve, the first you spent with your significant other. A slamming door might echo the time your loved ones surprised you on your birthday, their entry marked by that distinct sound. Even the abrupt backfire of a car might remind you of your first road trip with friends, filled with laughter and shared stories. Rather than triggering alarm, these sounds become glimmers, evoking excitement, connection, and treasured memories.

Certain Smells: Scents are potent memory triggers, carrying us back to cherished moments from our past. The rich aroma of cookies fresh from the oven could bring back memories of Christmas mornings spent baking with family. The whiff of a certain perfume might evoke the intoxicating memory of your first kiss. The fresh, invigorating scent of winter air could transport you back to a joyous snow day from your childhood. When we consciously focus on the positive memories associated with these scents, they become heartwarming glimmers of nostalgia and joy.

Specific Locations or Environments: Every place holds the capacity to be a repository of fond memories. The sight of a particular neighborhood might remind you of a community festival where you danced freely in the street. A certain type of building might take you back to your first job, where you met lifelong friends. Even a specific room can be recast as the backdrop for a cherished memory, like the living room where your partner proposed, or the kitchen where your child took their first steps. By focusing on the positive associations we have with these places, they transform from potential triggers into glimmers, vivid reminders of life’s sweetest moments.

Our Everyday Lives

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Take for instance that evening when my wife and I were outside, watching the clouds mysteriously vanish into thin air. This unexpected occurrence ignited a spark of wonder and curiosity within me. As someone who’s deeply fascinated by the vast cosmos and the tantalizing prospect of extraterrestrial life, this was a major glimmer.

Our everyday lives are strewn with such glimmers – the satisfying crunch of leaves underfoot in autumn, the refreshing aroma of rain, or the sound of children’s laughter that transports us back to our own carefree days of childhood.

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My father always said, “The great thing about having kids is that it reminds you of what it was like to be a kid again.” These simple yet profound moments of joy and tranquility provide a much-needed break from the hustle and bustle of life, rekindling a spark within us.

As humans, we’re highly attuned to emotional triggers, especially in relationships. Therefore, it’s absolutely important that we understand and manage these triggers. But what’s even more important is recognizing and appreciating the glimmers that dot our daily lives. In the midst of the chaos and challenges that life throws at us, glimmers serve as our personal havens of peace and comfort, fortifying our emotional well-being.

It’s What We Focus On

Glimmers are everywhere, waiting to be discovered and treasured – in our homes, workplaces, nature, and even within us. The enticing smell of a home-cooked meal, the pleasing sight of tastefully arranged furniture, the calming rhythm of our own breath, or a warm smile from a stranger – all these are glimmers, little signposts of safety, warmth, and love.

Often, we let our response to triggers overshadow the glimmers in our lives. But if we pay a little more attention, if we consciously seek out and appreciate these glimmers, we can cultivate a more nurturing and peaceful state of mind. This awareness not only helps to reduce our response to triggers but also enriches our ability to connect, love, and cherish the world around us.

Professional help can provide invaluable guidance and tools to navigate triggers. However, it is equally important for us to learn to recognize and appreciate our glimmers. Every glimmer we acknowledge, every moment of peace and joy we savor, brings us one step closer to emotional wellness, healthier relationships, and a more fulfilling life, side by side, under the soft glow of the moonlit sky.

John Michaelsa Missoula native and author, has been captivating readers with his writing for years. A graduate of Brown University’s esteemed creative writing program, Michaels has spent the majority of his career crafting stories that resonate with his readers and capture the essence of the human experience. Despite the demands of raising children, Michaels has continued to pursue his passions, finding solace in the bustling downtown Missoula scene. There, he spends his free time honing his craft, whether it be working on short stories, playing music, or dedicating himself to his work at Sunflower Counseling, MT.